Application of Eclectic Counseling Procedures: Basis for Writing a Manual for Guidance Counselors and Designated Guidance Coordinators


  • Abigail O. Viar


Eclectic Counselling, Guidance



The researcher's burning desire is to know the level of effectiveness of the administration of eclectic counseling in solving students' problems. Furthermore, counseling is a universal service of student's personal work having a wide range of activities and includes faculty advising, counseling in psychological clinics, mental hygiene and other specialized types of counseling. It is a variety of strategies that support the students to grow up normally and maturely through proper guidance. The focus of counseling is for the progression of an individual. The responsibility of planning and carrying out the treatment of counseling rests with the counselor, leaving the development of insight and final decision to the counselee. The researcher believes that a good counselor alternates between directive and non-directive counseling, depending upon the sex, age, environment experiences of the counselee, and the kind of problem confronting the counselee, provided that it is done tactfully and in a non-threatening manner.



The descriptive method of research used to collect and gather necessary information, data, and to help in portraying the probable relevance as it exists during the time of the study because this method can be either quantitative or qualitative. It can involve the collection of quantitative information that can be tabulated along a continuum in numerical form. Descriptive research involves the gathering of data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts and describes the data collection.



On the basis of the foregoing findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are offered. Eclecticism assumes that the diversity among individuals, the diversity in human needs and concerns, and the environments in which they occur can be responded best when the counselor has options and the flexibility to use these within a conceptual and organized framework.



A counselor can use several strategies or techniques in solving students’ problems by there are different sources to rely on, making a method for defining treatment plans and open himself/herself in the diversity of technical procedures to find out the suitable way to solve the students' problem. Counselor and the counselee can have a helping relationship by sharing the ingredients of trust, empathy, genuineness, concern and caring, respect, tolerance and acceptance, honesty, commitment to the relationship, and dependability, so that the counselee felt more comfortable verbalizing his/her own concerns or problems, feelings. The counselor must give the counselee the freedom to speak at his/her convenient time. The counselee should not be judged and condemned based on the situation that happens to his/her life, instead he/she must be given sympathy, understanding, and good reflections and interpretation on the importance of intervention. Using eclectic counseling, the counselor can be flexible in conceptualizing and in organizing frameworks for the betterment of the students' welfare. 

