Administrators' Leadership Behavior and Performance and the Organizational Climate of Public Secondary Schools


  • Terelene N. Eguac


Leadership Behavior, Administrators' Performance, Organizational Climate



School administrators play a significant role in running the organization where they belong. The school principal or school head should have a clear and comprehensive view of the goals towards which the organization should be moving to attain its goals. To fulfill these goals, the administrator's behavior and leadership styles used will always reflect the kind of organization where they reside. As part of the implementation of the Department of Education's guidelines on the assignment of administrators, principals or school heads, a regular reshuffling of administrators to the different schools were implemented in the division of Sarangani. As anticipated, once a school is delegated with a new administrator, it is expected that some of the existing policies and programs are changed, which in turn affect the nature of the organization's climate. The teachers inthe school will have different perceptions and expectations as to how their new administrator will direct them. As the roles change for the administrators, a new set of skills will have to be incorporated into each role. Additionally, decision -making powers may shift, the check and balance system may move in different directions. Thus, this urged the researcher to conduct a study on how the new administrator's leadership behavior and performance influence the organizational climate of all secondary schools in the municipality of Maitum, Sarangani Province.



This descriptive-correlation study was conducted to find out whether the administrator's leadership behavior and performance significantly influenced their respective schools' organizational climate in public secondary schools in Maitum, Sarangani. The entire population was used for the administrators-respondents, and a Slovin's formula was used to get the desired sample size of the teachers-respondents. Questionnaires were also used to gather the data, and frequency counts and percentages were employed to treat the data gathered.



It was found that the majority of the administrators have positive leadership behavior. Most of the school administrators have outstanding administrative performance. The school administrators varied in their organizational climate but most of them have a healthy nature.



It was concluded that the administrators' leadership behavior and administrators' performance significantly influenced their organizational climate. 

