Child-Rearing Practices of B'laan Families and the Scholastic performance of Their Grade One Children


  • Rosalie Gonzaga





The importance of knowing the child-rearing practices of indigenous families in a particular community which affect the scholastic performance of their children cannot be under-estimated. In rural areas, the majority of the population is comprised of indigenous families who intend to bring their children to school. No matter how insignificant, their practices contribute to the scholastic performance of their children should be recognized.

In this connection, the present study on the child-rearing practices of B’laan families is conducted to find out whether it could affect the scholastic performance of the children.The result of the study could help teachers in understanding the behavior of their pupils. It could serve as a basis in finding good motivational techniques which could help these children enjoy their education life in school. To the parents, let them understand that there is no standard method that can be applied to rear children. Each method is individualized, depending upon the nature of the child. What is important is they tried their best the way they could tohelp their children grow the kind of individual they want them to become individuals who morally, emotionally, socially and intellectually competent pupils.



The methods used in the study is descriptive-research which is correlations survey. Therewere two instruments used to gather the data of the study. The first instrument was a questionnaire used to determine child-rearing practices of the B'laan parents and Form 137 for the scholastic performance of their children. After necessary documents on asking permission to conduct the study was acquired and the following procedures were done by the researcher: The school where the study will be conducted was identified.A survey of the B’laan families was conductedThe population was identified and sampling technique was employed to get the final sample of the study.

Preparation, validation and reliability testing of the instrument. The instrument was prepared in its final for and distributed to the final samples of the study. The data gathered, tabulated and presented. Presentation analysis and interpretation of the data gathered using appropriate statistical tools. The final draft of the research work was prepared for editing and correction. Enough copies were produced to be distributed to the panel of examiners.



The data gathered were treated by appropriate statistical tools according to the sub-problems raised. The following are the findings formulated. Among the four aspects of rearing practices considered, it came out that it was on the moral aspect where the parents got the highest obtained mean, followed by the cognitive aspect, then by the social aspect, and lastly, the emotional aspect. These three (3) aspects had a descriptive rating of sometimes. Generally, it was found that all obtained "F" value with respect to age and educational level were found to be greater than the required value of significance thus rejecting the null hypothesis formulated. In terms of the level of scholastic performance of their Grade, 1 child 54 obtained satisfactory and above grades while 166 obtained below satisfactory performance. On the association between child-rearing practices of parents and their children's scholastic performance, it was found that the chi-square value obtained of 10.87 exceeded 7.82, hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.



The most common children-rearing practices the B'laan families used in growing their children is more on the moral aspect.

