Cases of Students At-Risk among Grade 11 Students in Cabarroguis National School of Arts and Trades


  • Harline Mae C. Tacata


Remedial Classes, SaveStudents At-Risk, Good Teaching Program


INTRODUCTIONKids who " ̃fall through the cracks.' Students who are somehow left behind. In the recentyears, these students have been given the general description of being " ̃at-risk.' (Creech et al., Progress Report of 2004) The term at-risk is used to describe students or groups of students who face circumstances that could jeopardize their ability to complete school. These circumstances include homelessness, incarceration, domestic violence, transiency (as in the case of migrant-worker families), or other conditions, or it may refer to learning disabilities, low test scores, disciplinary problems, graderetentions, or other learning-related factors that could adversely affect the educational performance and attainment of some students. In most cases, "risk factors" are situational rather than innate.



The researcher used the descriptive type of research, which includes observations and interviews. It is used to describe the Cases of Students At-Risk among Grade 11 students in Cabarroguis National School of Arts and Trades.



Students from the Grade 11 Amethyst section have the highest number of students at-risk. From the interview, most of the students are experiencing family and personal problems that are why they cannot go to school regularly. Another identified problem of students at-risk is vices. Most of the possible solutions to save those students at-risk are to encourage them to join school activities, motivate them to improve their study habit also by monitoring their attendance, conduct home visitation, and ask parents evidence and help.



The result of the study shows that the students have to study well and do their duties and responsibilities. Parents must guide them and encourage them to study well. Moreover, they should give them time and good communication. For the improvement of the school, teachers have to extend their support to the students at-risk by being patient in giving remediation. School administrators have to conduct regular monitoring and evaluation regarding the performance of learners. They must analyze the data about the learners' attendance and quarterly grades, which serve as basis in extending support to both teachers and learners for better teaching-learning process and higher performance in general and strictly implement the rules and regulations inside the campus.

