The Effect of Video Clips in Science Instruction among Grade Four Pupils


  • Rhodora Wein





Technology nowadays is common among schools, offices, homes and to every individual as this supports learning this helps in developing knowledge, wherein integration is the use of technology to enhance, present the lesson to the learners. Video as a change instrument in the classroom has undertaken unique cycle of adaptation overtime. Video based materials boost student creativity and cooperation. Access to video can help motivate learners create a distinctive or text for their learning experience (Greenberg, A., Barnett, T. L., & Nicholls, J. A. F. (2007). Teaching is experiential learning: Adoption of an innovative course in an MBA marketing curriculum. Journal of Marketing Education, 29 (1), 25-33.)Like other public schools, Gulod Malaya Elementary School aims to provide quality education for all the enrolleesof the school.



The respondents of the action research were all the Grade Four-Section Cariňosa with 57 pupils and Grade Four-Section Singkil with 53 pupils of Gulod Malaya Elementary School. The researcher identified the least mastered skills of Science 4 of the previous school year 2017-2018. The researcher downloaded and compiled video clips from the internet based on the identified least mastered skills

Experimental research was used because it is the only type of research that directly attempts to influence a particular variable and it is the only type that can really test hypotheses about cause and effect relationships. The researcher made of traditional activity in the different lessons in Science 4.



Science 4got 15.01 mean with mean percentage score MPS of 37.50 %, 52 pupils out of 230 pupils got 75% criterion of the school year 2017-2018. Top 5 least mastered skills in the second quarter of the last school year 2017-2018, which served as the basis for the researcher for the compilation of video clips.



This implied that the use of compiled videos in Science instruction had a significant effect in terms of performance of the Grade Four pupils of Gulod Malaya Elementary School. But on the other hand, teaching Grade Four pupils in without using the compiled video clips had to improve their performance in their periodic test though with the use of compiled videos had better improvement than the other one.

