Simplified Prototype Design of an Alternative Golden Kuhol Trap


  • Kinzel Marl Bade


Reducing the golden apple snail in the rice field



Agriculture plays an important role in our lives. It is themain source of income and of food. Philippines is known for being primarily an agricultural country and its agricultural sector has been improved, but unfortunately many pests are discovered that damage the crops produced from farming especially in our rice fields. The Golden apple Snail (Pomaceacanaliculata) known as golden kuhol in the Philippines; eats the new emerging rice plant by cutting the rice stem at the base destroying the whole plant. In this study, the researcher will focus his study on reducing the golden apple snail with the natural materials, which do not harm both the crops and the farmers.



All the necessary materials were gathered. The cloth was soaked in the container with 400 ml of beer and was set aside for at least six (6) hours. A big hole was made in the big plastic bottle where the small plastic bottle containing 350 ml of leftover beer can fit. A 1000 gram of sand was put inside the big plastic bottle with 100 ml of beer. The parts composing the alternative golden kuhol trap were assembled. Two samples of golden kuhol trap were used. Sample product B or golden apple kuhol trap, was attached with an improvised propeller. Each of the samples of golden kuhol trap was tested with 30 golden apple snails.



The researcher made two set-ups (Set-up A and B) whereas set-up A, without a propeller; set-up B with mini fan. The two set-ups revealed that set-upA gathered 3 golden apple with in 1 hour while sample set-up B gathered 5 golden apple snail in the same period of time. Whereas, the data revealed the comparison between the properties of each sample setup and its effectiveness in attracting golden applesnail. The data shows that the sample setup B was more effective in trapping golden apple snail than in setup A because of the help of the improvised propeller that is responsible in spreading the scent in the rice field.



It was shown in the study that the air produced by the improvised propeller with the research product helped spread out the scent of the alcohol content of the beer which made the golden apple snail more attracted to it. Spontaneous movement of the particles of substances wascaused by thermal agitation and diffusion from higher concentration to lower concentration.

