Pulverized Banana (Musa acuminata) Bark as Crude oil Absorber in Sun Drying and Oven Drying Method


  • Mary Joy Valdez


sun drying. Oven drying, pulverized,absorption capacity



Crude oil spill is one of the major dilemma that affects water pollution of the different bodies of water around many countries in the world, includingthe Indonesia, Malaysia, United States of America, United Arab Emirates, Western Europe and the country of Philippines as stated by (Noriham,2014. Furthermore, according to the study of Salako et.al (2012) there is an estimated 1 million gallons of crude oil spill generally affects the life of aquatic organisms living on the bodies of water. Crude oil is one of the major factors that affect the marine organisms living on it. Moreover, as a solution, the researcher decided to investigate the ability of banana bark in absorbing crude oil in terms of sun drying and oven drying method.



Two methods were done for the experimental set-up. The researcher had followed the procedures adapted from the Method of Absorbing Oil using powdered Aquatic Lily Plant by Jorge V. Diaz. Banana barks were gathered cut into 15 inches long and undergone sun drying and oven drying method. Then, sun dried and oven dried banana bark were pulverized. Three (3) separated trials were prepared for the two methods. Trial 1 was with 5g of banana bark, 200 mL of water and 10 mL of crude oil sample. Meanwhile, Trial 2was with 10g of banana bark, 200 mL of water and 10 mL of crude oil. Lastly, Trial 3 with 15g of banana bark, 200 mL of water and 10 mL of crude oil. Banana bark were soaked and observed on the solution for 12 hours.



As a result of the observation, in sun dried method, T1 weighed 1.3g, T2-0.18g and T3-2.18g. In oven dried, T1 weighed 0.6g, T2-1.2g, and T3-0.13g. To sum it all, the average weight of sundried banana bark is 3.66 compared to oven dried banana bark, which is 1.93. It shows that between the two methods, sun drying is the most effective method for to follow in drying banana bark.



Based on the outcome, it showed that Trial 3 that is sun dried banana bark is the most attested among the three (3) trials prepared by the researcher. In line with this, the researcher concluded that banana bark is effective as crude oil absorber in sun drying method.

