Pili National High School Selected Junior High School Students' Personal Hygiene: An Assessment


  • Ma. Lilany Barnedo


Hygiene, Tawas, Health



The simplest way to protect ourselves from illnesses is to practice personal hygiene. Minor actions matter from the second you wash your hand to the point when you clean your body. In addition, bathing is the basic hygiene that we carry out, but for some reasons, bathing alone is not enough. It is expected that an individual, especially one who has already reached the puberty stage will experience specific changes in his body.



The researcher started disseminating information about the essence of practicing good hygiene in the form of a room-to-room campaign while discussing teenage personal hygiene using a practically economical substance (Tawas). The researcher explained how it would help them in improving personal hygiene through which the researcher introduced the use of "Tawas" and distributed the product to each respondent for testing. Classes of Grade 9-Diamond (30), Grade 9-Pearl (31), Grade 10-Einstein (32), and Grade10-Newton (34) were selected having a total of 127 students' respondents. To test the efficacy of the product, respondents were requested to use the distributed "Tawas" for personal hygiene testing was conducted where it revealed improved hygiene and academic participations in class.



Checking of odor personally achieved 88% in day 5 while evaluation by partner achieved 98% improvement in characteristics odor and the paleness of the uniform's armpit was eliminated using the Tawas. Therefore, results for better class performance being comfortable in eliminating the characteristic odor and the darkening coloration in the uniform's armpit add confidence and inspire students in class participation. Compared with the commonly used perfumed deodorant that results with hardening of uniform's armpit discoloration the use of Tawas found to be economical and effective.



Therefore, the researchers concluded the validity of the alternative hypothesis, for Tawas as an effective agent to help in lessening bad odor and stain colorations in students' uniform especially on armpit portion. Tawas had been proven through this study as a practically economical maintenance for personal hygiene in preventing body characteristic odor and as improvement in personal hygiene, results with improved academic performance level helped much students in coping up shyness in raising arms and characteristic body odor. This study significantly improved students' personal hygiene together with academic performance level that instills personal confidence among the respondents.

