Extraction and Properties of Cellulose Powder from Dalandan Albedo


  • Eliza Mariz M . Dela Cruz,


dalandan albedo, cellulose powder, extraction, properties of cellulose powder



This study explored the use of the albedo of Citrus aurantium, locally known as Dalandan as an alternative eco-friendly source for cellulose. The research is inspired by a study in Sicily, Italy wherein orange fiber was invented as a source of good quality fabric. The additional idea also came from a study on the extraction of pomelo fiber in Malaysia. In the Philippines, there is still no study conducted about Dalandan albedo; hence, the researchers were enthused to focus on the extraction and properties of its cellulose powder.



The experimental research design was employed to extract cellulose powder from dalandan albedo and test its properties, specifically, Water Retention Capacity, Oil Retention Capacity, and Flow Property through Hausner's Ratio and Percentage Compressibility Index using Bulk and Tapped Density. After isolating dalandan albedo from the fruit peeling, the patented procedure was followed for cellulose powder extraction. Three different acid concentrations of cellulose powder (30%, 20%, and 10%) were compared in terms of their properties. Mean and the standard deviation was used to describe the samples, while the One-way ANOVA test was utilized to determine if there is a significant difference among these three groups of acid concentration.



The results for the mean showed precision with values nondistant to one another and so each acid concentration was of the same property which was further proved by the small Standard Deviation values and so was interpreted to be nondistant from the mean. Furthermore, One way ANOVA test resulted in an F-value of 0.0264 which is lower than the critical value (4.2565) and P-value of 0.9741 which is greater than the alpha value (0.05). Therefore, the test is not significant and there is no sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a significant difference between the three acid concentrations based on their properties.



The three samples of cellulose powder showed similar and acceptable properties. Therefore, dalandan is a good sourceof cellulose powder and can be used for further study since it can be utilized as a filament for the thread and as an eco-friendly functional ingredient for fillers in the paper, water absorbents, and cosmetic products. Further test such as particle size analysis, total alpha cellulose content, and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy to determine its chemical composition are also recommended.

