Enhancing the Performance of Junior High Students in Dr. Arsenio C. Nicolas National High School Using Video Presentation


  • Alvin Ansay


Effectiveness, Video presentation, Increased performance in Science



The imperative level of utilizing video and multimedia have various ways. The utilization of videos in theclassroom therefore presents the acceptability of technology in the classroom which the 2first century teaching and learning processes is encouraging to set a new avenue for learning to promote effective teaching in science.The researcher believed that taking necessary action in this alarming condition should be properly addressed. Based on the prevailing condition the researcher decided to craft an intervention program to enhance the teaching-learning process using videos in teaching science concept.



This paper used experimental methods of research to evaluate and determine the significant difference between the pre-test and post-test of the MPS of Grade 8 students of Dr. Arsenio C. Nicolas National High School in teaching genetics. The total number of the students used in the research were 25 Grade 8 in which during the second quarter of the school year the MPS of the student were noticeably low with56.12 in science. After the administration of the tests, the means were computed. The significant difference was determined through the t-test.



The performance of Grade 8 students of Dr. Arsenio C. Nicolas National High School in Science was poor but after the utilization of video in teaching the topic the performance increased remarkably. The obtained mean of pre-test and post the average mean of the pre-test is 8.68 while the post-test obtained 14.92. The difference of 10.24 from the pre-test and post-test was remarkably increased. There was a significant difference between the means pre-test and post-test of Grade 8 students of Dr. Arsenio C. Nicolas National High School before and after using the video in teaching genetics. The computed t-value of -9.92 and critical t-value of 1.67 arrived at the decision to reject the null hypothesis. Students showed interest and paid attention when the teacher presented the video. It implied that students were excited and motivated.



Because of the advancement in technology like social media, most of the learners nowadays are visual learners. Appropriate videos in science should be carefully selected and should be suitable for the students and the topic. The teacher should have access to lrmds.

Department of Education.gov.ph and utilize the learning portal because this is the rich source of videos that will fityour lesson.

