Effects of Annona muricata(Powdered Guyabano Leaves and its Juice Extract)on Soil Phas an Alternative To Synthetic Fertilizer


  • Jennybee A. De Villa


fertilizer, synthetic, juice extract



This research study aims to determine the Effects of Annona Muricata (Powdered Guyabano Leaves and its Juice Extract) on soil pH as an alternative to synthetic fertilizer. The study focuses on the factors involved in achieving the potential growth of the plant



The researchers prepared four treatments (1) synthetic fertilizers (2) powdered guyabano leaves (3) juices extract of guyabano (4) guyabano leaves and juice extract to gathered reliable findings. The methods of research used are experimental and observational within 56 days. Among the four treatments, treatment 4 (powdered guyabano leaves and juice extract) results to a better soil pH level since there was no significant change recorded before and after applying the fertilizer on a certain plant. The application of fertilizers helps the plant to grow faster and taller. The treatment with the highest recorded plant height after weeks of observation was treatment 4 (powdered guyabano leaves and juice extract) and the lowest was treatment 3 (juice extract). In terms of okra plant size, the best fertilizer was the combination of powdered guyabano leaves and juice extract since this is the treatment with the longest okra after 56 days.



After 56 days, the okra plant with the treatment four (guyabano leaves and juice extract) has the size of 15.24 cm which is the largest one. In terms of plants height, the okra plant grows up to 45 inches while the soil ph level is 7.11.



Among the four treatments, treatment 4 (powdered guyabano leaves and its juice extract) results to a better soil pH level since there was no significant change recorded before and after applying the fertilizer on a certain plant. The application of fertilizers helps the plant to grow faster and taller. It is also recommended to conduct further investigations regarding the benefits of applying fertilizer on a certain plant for it to be considered as a substantial product to not only farmers but also all the people living in this world.

