Differentiated Instructional Practices for Junior High School Science Subjects


  • Ellie Rose Ramos


Differentiated Instruction, Practices, Junior High School



Teachers must change with the times to be effective. The knowledge that not all students learn in the same way prompted the researcher to utilize differentiated instruction in teaching wherein the pathways of learning are differentiated for the learners. Very much aware of the relevance of differentiated instruction in the formation of socially conscious and responsible students, the researcher assessed the use of differentiated instruction in teaching science in public secondary schools. The researcher realized the need for differentiated instruction as an approach in teaching and usage of this instruction as the vehicle to promote better learning in science. The output of the study, which is the proposed differentiated instructional materials for science, will help the teachers address the learning needs of each student.



The study used the descriptive method of research using a researcher-made questionnaire as the main instrument for gathering data. Documentary analysis was also used to measure the level of performance of public junior high school students in science. Focus group discussion was done to gather inputs on material development preparation regarding differentiated instructional practices for JHS science subject. Frequency, percentage, weighted mean and Pearsons product moment correlation coefficient was the statistical tools applied.



Based on the findings, JHS students had very satisfactory performance in science. Flexible grouping, adjusting questions and rubrics were the most preferred differentiated instructional strategies utilized by public JHS science teachers. Learning infrastructures in support of the utilization of differentiated instruction were often available and accessible. Diverse materials and teaching methods in class and continuous assessment and adjustment of lessons to meet students' needs were the most common differentiated instructional practices utilized by the science teachers. The test of hypothesis revealed that there is no significant relationship between the availability and accessibility of learning infrastructure to the utilization of differentiated instructional practices. Using the gaps found in the study, the developed differentiated instructional materials in science contained a variety of features designed not only to meet students' learning needs but also to maximize utilization of differentiated instruction.



This study focused on the development of differentiated instructional materials for public junior high school science teachers and students. The researcher determined the level of performance of junior high school students in science, the differentiated instructional strategies utilized by the science teachers, the available and accessible learning infrastructures in support of differentiated instruction and the extent of utilization of the differentiated instructional practices by science teachers. The researcher also determined the relationship between the availability and accessibility of learning infrastructures to the extent of utilization of instructional practices. Differentiated instructional materials were developed based on the findings and analysis of data.

