Challenge in Science Investigatory Activities in Gaudencio B. Lontok Memorial Integrated School


  • Carmelita Reyes


Challenge, Investigatory, Student-Centered, Technology, Thinking Sills



The students in today's classrooms have grown up with technology as a way of life, and accessible literally at their fingertips at very young ages. Teachers are hard pressed to compete with this excess of available information and entertainment, let alone keep up with the ever-changing pace. Investigatory teaching provides the opportunity for the students to play an active role in their learning process in a student-centered environment, engage in a variety of technological resources, and in the process, develop higher-level thinking skills. It is the aim of this action research was to identify the challenges in Science Investigatory Activities encountered by science teachers in conducting Science InvestigatoryActivities.



This study used the descriptive survey method. A questionnaire was used to determine the extent of challenges encountered by teachers of Gaudencio B. Lontok Memorial Integrated School in participating and conducting Science investigatory activities. The respondents of this study were eighteen science teachers of Gaudencio B. Lontok Memorial Integrated School who are teaching science from grade three to grade eight.



Based on the result of this study, it was found out that the problems in participating and conducting science investigatory projects are the following: lack of experts to assist pupils in the conduct of science investigatory project; lack of skills in conducting investigatory project; no specific laboratory room for the conduct of the study; and inadequate laboratory tools, apparatuses and equipment and availability of resources.



The following suggestions were developed based on the results of the present study: a). Most of the respondents are ages from 30-33.b). Majority of the respondents were females. c). Most of the respondents were educated with MA with units. d). Most of the respondents teach for almost 16 to 20 years. e). Most of the respondents teach in Grade III. f). The average class size is about 38 pupils per class. g). The top 5 challenges of science teachers in teaching Science Investigatory Activities are the following: "Lack of experts to assist pupils in the conduct of science investigatory project" , "Too many requirements in joining SIP competition" , "Lack of trainings and seminars for science teachers" , "No specific laboratory room for the conduct of the study" and "Inadequate laboratory tools, apparatuses and equipment" .

