Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Starch as an Effective Component in the Production of Bioplastic


  • Pj G. Egpit


Bioplastic, Cassava Starch



Cassava (Manihot esculenta) starch is composed of two components: amylose and amylopectin. Since plastics are made of polymers, starch is a very favorable raw material in making plastic.

With this increasing numbers of people using plastics that can harm the environment, the researchers are pushed to think of finding an idea of studying Cassava starch as an effective component in the production of bio plastics. This aimed at creating a bio-plastic to help society with environmental issues.



This is experimental research. Different preparations were made to determine the degree of acceptability in terms of thickness and durability of the plastic. About 5 tbsp. of Cassava starch, 6 tbsp. of water, 3 tsp. of vinegar and 3 teaspoons of glycerol (Preparation 1); 3 tbsp. of Cassava starch, 5 tbsp. of water,2 teaspoons of vinegar and 2 teaspoons of glycerol (Preparation 2); 1 tbsp. of Cassava starch, 4 tablespoons of water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, and 1 teaspoon of glycerol (Preparation 3). The starch was pre-extracted from the raw Cassava tubes usinga blender. All ingredients were combined as to the desired proportions until a consistent mixture was formed. It was heated on a low flame until it became viscous and clear and allowed it to cool down.



Quality of plastics produced depends on the proportions of additives used. Different amount of cassava starch used had an effect on the thickness and durability of the samples. Different treatments were formulated and tested to find out what samples, from different proportions, would show the desired properties of the plastic. The rest of the preparations were kept at a constant amount to the variation in starch content. Here, commercial plastics were used as control. Preparation 1 manifested properties closely related to the control. The samples were found to be water soluble, however, would not dissolve in an organic solvent like ethanol. Tests were conducted to determine which sample is comparable with the control.



Bio-plastics can either be made into a sheet or can be molded into any shape with a little bit of difference in the thickness and durability. They can be sold to market, however,the esthetic look should be considered for the consumers to buy. Bio-plastics would not certainly cause any pollution to the environment since the composition is completely from biomasses and do not contain any toxins, thus, it could be a good substitute to the non-biodegradable plastics to lessen the pressing environmental issues.

