Saline Waterand Unripened Citrofortunella microcarpa(Calamondin) Extractas an Alternative Sourceof Electricity


  • Luis S. Oberio III


calamansi, salt water, electricity, alternative energy



The study is all about Saline Water and Unripened citrofortunella microcarpa (Calamondin) Extract as an Alternative Source of Electricity. The study aims to find a new source of electricity for lighting that is efficient, environment-friendly, and available in the locality. Specifically, it aimsto (1) determine the effect on the voltage of electricity using the following solutions: (a) saline water, (b) unripened calamondin extract, and (c) combination of both; (2) determine the effect on the length of time the productivity of electricity will last using the three solutions.



The study has been done by using three set-ups. Set-up A contains saline water, Set-p B contains unripened calamondin extract, and Set-up C contains both saline water and unripened calamondin. After finishing the set-up, a tester will be used to measure the amount of voltage produced.



As the results of the three solutions tested, Set-up A produced 1.973V, Set-up B produced 2.09 V, and Set-up C produced 2.01 V in 1-minute controlled time of the test duration. The researcher tested the length of time the productivity of electricity will last upon connecting the three solutions to a LED bulb. After observing the three solutions for days, Set-up A lasted for 3 days, Set-up B lasted for 2 ½ days, and Set-up C lasted for 3 ½ days.



The research concluded that both saline water and unripened calamondin extract could be an efficient source of electricity. Based on the findings, the recommendation was to have further studies to improve and enhance this study.

