Hydroponics and Aquaponics: Bases of Growing Rice at Santisimo Rosario National High School


  • Arvin C. Castillo


hydroponics, aquaponics, rice growth, agriculture



Rice is a common food that Filipinos eat. Almost all Filipinos eat rice as their daily food. But as noticed, the consumption of rice will lessen in the near future, since rice fields are becoming subdivisions and industrial parks. In this case, the harvest grains of rice will also lessen due to modernization and may affect the life style of the whole citizens in the Philippines. Because of this problem, researchers come up with this research title "Hydroponics and Aquaponics: Basis of Growing Rice at Santisimo Rosario National High School.”



Quantitative-descriptive research design was used. The researchers were able to assess the patterns of development of rice growth among hydroponics, aquaponics and natural-grown set-ups respectively through field observation scale. Results were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted. To determine the significant difference among the set-ups, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied.



Overall results showed Hydroponics system stood out the most among the three variables having a total mean of 4.30 and an SEM of 0.10 which is followed by Aquaponics with a total mean of 4.15 and an SEM of 0.15. Lastly, natural-grown with an average mean of 3.41 and an SEM of 0.02. Even though the results are close to each other, we can clearly notice that Hydroponics somehow surpassed the two set-ups.

Differences among variables presented have the Fcal = 14.95 and p-value = 0.001 which can be verbally interpreted as not significant. Thus, the null hypothesis stating that there is no significant difference among rice planted on a hydroponics, aquaponics and natural-grown systems is accepted. This indicates the effectiveness of hydroponics and aquaponics set-ups can on the growth of rice since it gives the same effect as the natural-grown set-ups



Researchers recommended to maintain good quality of water because it is the life-blood of the Hydroponics, Aquaponics and Natural Grown system. It is the medium through which all essential nutrients are transported to the plants, the animals and the soil. Using Pureganic on Hydroponic set-up is a great alternative fertilizer because it is composed of all the macro and micro nutrients that needed of plant to survive. Implementation of the following set-ups was a constant factor in the success of the innovation.

