Processed Corn Oil as Potential Additive to Commercial Printer Ink


  • Julina Cacao


Corn based ink, local farmers, additive, petroleum, corn kernel, ratio



The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of corn oil as an additive to commercial printing inks instead of the more commonly used petroleum products. The corn oil was extracted from the corn kernel and its extract was mixed with the commercial ink based on the varying ratio to provide the best results.



The researcher conducted a research where oil is used as an additive to commercial printer ink. The oil was bought in the supermarket and then mixed with the correct ratio of the amount of corn oil to the amount of ink, and then injected into the printer cartridge.



The result shows that given the correct ratio, the corn based ink was equal to commercial printing ink which is petroleum based. The researcher concluded that corn oil can be a great alternative additive to commercial printing ink.



The corn based ink can help local farmers to generate more income and also to help the environment. In using corn based ink, it will lessen the amount of VOC released by the ink when drying unlike some petroleum based ink which is being used today.

