Extracted Organic (Madre De Cacao and Ipil Ipil) Household Insecticide


  • Monalie S Lucena


Household Insecticide, Extracted Organic Insecticides, Madre Cacao



The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of extracted organic (Madre deCacao and Ipil Ipil) insecticide in eliminating household insects within the elapsed time using different solutions. It sought to answer the following question: What are the processes/ procedures involved in preparing extracted organic insecticide using different solutions such as 70% extracted organic insecticide + 30% water, 70% extracted organic insecticide + 30% vinegar and 70% extracted organic insecticide + 30% liquid soap.

What is the level of effectiveness of extracted organic insecticide in terms of household insects eliminated within the elapsed time? Is there a significant difference in the level of effectiveness of extracted organic insecticide in eliminating household insects within the elapsed time using different solutions?



Experimental and descriptive research was used to test and evaluate the product. The study was made through washing, pounding/ grinding, extracting, straining, measuring, mixing, and packaging and testing.



The F value was 0.000 given by the respondents stated that the extracted organic insecticide was significant in eliminating household insects such as ants, flies, mosquitoes, and termites with an F value of 0.007 within the elapsed time using different solutions, however, not significant in eliminating cockroach with an F value of 0.295 within the elapsed time using different solutions.



The study revealed that there is a significant difference in the level of effectiveness of extracted organic (Madre de cacao and Ipil Ipil) insecticide using different solutions in eliminating household insects such as ants, mosquitoes, flies and termites. This infers that the extracted organic insecticide is equally effective in eliminating insects. While there is no significant difference in eliminating cockroach within the elapsed time using different solutions. This means that cockroaches eliminated regardless of elapsed time. In this case, the hypothesis was rejected and was partially sustainable.

Students, teachers, and housewives may use extracted organic insecticide as a substitute for commercial and expensive insecticide. The local government may support the findings or giving free seminars for the production of extracted organic insecticide in the community as an alternative insecticide to help its constituents. Community people should plant Madre de cacao and Ipil Ipil trees in their locality; it will be a great use to them as an insecticide. Further study should be made to improve the quality of extracted organic insecticide. Also, further researchers may use this as their reference when doing another research about insecticide.

