Lanzo-Neem MosquitoCoil


  • Chelo P. Ganggay


Lanzones peels Neem leaves mosquito repellant invention



This study aimed to test the effectiveness of Lanzo-Neem mosquito coil as alternative repellant that can replace the commercial branded coil. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions: (1) What is the level of acceptability of the Lanzo-Neem mosquito coil as perceived by the respondents in terms of burn quality and odor? (2) How many mosquitoes became slumberous and lifeless within the following time interval: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes? (3)Do the proportion and time duration affect the mortality rate? (4) Is there a significant difference in the level of acceptability between the Lanzo-Neem Mosquito Coil and the commercialized brands?



The instrument used in this study was the Randomized Complete Blocking Design (RCBD). The experimental method was used to determine the feasibility of Lanzo-Neem mosquito coil with respect to the mortality rate in the given elapsed time as applied to mosquito wrigglers. This experimental method validated the effectiveness of Lanzo-Neem mosquito coil in terms of different criteria. The questionnaire served as the main source of data with 20 respondents. After the retrievalof the answer sheets, the data were tabulated and analyzed.



Based on the gathered data, the mean level of Lanzo-Neem mosquito coil was " very acceptable " as revealed by the computed mean of every criterion. In terms of mortality rate, a number of mosquitoes became slumberous and lifeless. There is no significant difference in the level of acceptability between the two coils in terms of effectiveness. Lanzo-Neem mosquito coil is also organic that can be used as an alternative to commercialized brands. Therefore, there is no significant effect between the two coils in terms of burning time, odor and effectiveness.



Everybody is encouraged to use this product to save money because this alternative mosquito coil is cheaper and the materials are available in the locality. Other researchers should develop products from available resources in the community like the making of mosquito coils from the Lanzones peels and Neem leaves which are also proven effective in repelling mosquitoes. Farmers should cultivate insect-repelling plants in their backyard like Neem trees not only for protection against mosquitoes but at the same time to provide them with additional income. Medical manufacturers should produce insect-repellents that are plant-based or natural for the consumer's safety which are cheaper than the branded products. Future researches will be conducted by the proponent to improve this investigatory project for the local government to support its production.

