Luffa Dalandan (Citrus Aurantium) Bath Soap


  • Mellany S. Alano


Sanofication, caustic soda (lye), glycerin, innovation



This study was conducted for the school year 2016-2017 and focused mainly on Luffa Daladan (citrus aurrantium) bath Soap. The respondents of the study were fifteen (15) selected Senior High School students, fifteen (15) selected faculty members of Pila Senior High School, Pila, Laguna and fifteen (15) housewives of Brgy. Bliss Patimbao Santa Cruz, Laguna for a total of 45 respondents.



The processed used in making caustic soap are: preparing, measuring, extracting, mixing, molding, finishing and packaging while in glycerin soap are: the preparing, measuring, extracting, melting, mixing, molding, finishing, and packaging.



The level of acceptability of luffa dalandan (citrus aurantium) bath soap in caustic solution and glycerin solution in terms of texture, odor, appearance, color, the safety of use and antifungal property. There was a significant difference on the ratings on an appearance on the glycerin solution as perceived by the teacher’s respondents obtain a mean score of 4.44ab. as for the housewives on the other hand rated 4.71a and students 4.02b with an F ratio of 5.798 and p-value of 0.006 which is "Significant" by the three groups of respondents. The appearance of the glycerin soap is significant because it looks like a transparent soap. The materials used to produce luffa dalandan bath soap in caustic soap are: caustic soda, coconut oil, luffa, dalandan extract while in glycerin soap are: glycerin bar, luffa, extracted dalandan juice, citrus oil. The result showed that there is no significant difference in the ratings given by the three groups of respondents as to its appearance, texture, odor, color, the safety of use and antifungal property of caustic and glycerine soap.



Based on the conclusion and findings of the study the following are hereby recommended that the family members and all persons having a fungal infection may use luffa dalandan (citrus aurantium) bath soap. Further researchers may use this as their reference when doing another research about luffa dalandan (citrus aurantium) bath soap. People may plant dalandan tress and patola in their backyards: it will be of great use to them not only as bath soap but many great uses as well. Future researchers may conduct another experiment using another raw material available in their community as substitute to dalandan bath soap with the help of DOST.

