Strengthening Parents’ Participation in School Conferences Through Project ICS (Improved Communication Scheme)


  • Antonino Cudiamat


strengthen, scheme, conference, optimum, crafted



This research was conducted in order to solve the problem on the low number of parent -attendees during school conferences, which is the best time to discuss the school's concerns, academic progress, and any related topics among learners. Unfortunately, there is very few parent-attendees during the meeting. Most of the time, less than half of the parents are present. It is experienced by most schools, particularly Calan ES, Patugo ES, Pook ES and Putol ES. Family, community, and other stakeholders should be actively engaged and share responsibility for developing life-long learners. To do this, an effective communication scheme is an important element to consider, as it breaks the barrier between the school and the community toprovide high quality learning to all students.



For this study, quantitative, survey, data gathering, and interview were the methods used. Using a survey method, survey questionnaire was administered to all the respondents. The researchers designed an interview schedule as one of the data collection instrument of the study. The interview questions were aimed at eliciting relevant information concerning the reasons for the decreasing number of parent's participation in school's conferences. For the accurate analysis of the gathered data, experimental design under quantitative method was used to determine the effect of Project ICS.



After the implementation and utilization of an improved communication scheme or Project ICS, it was noted that the project was highly effective. It implies that optimum determination of school heads, teachers, and parents to carry out the project makes it a success. Since Project Improved Communication Scheme or Project ICS was found to be effective in increasing thenumber of parents attending the conference, it must be continuously implemented. Also, this will serve as a reference for future researches to be conducted on strengthening parents' participation in school conferences.



Based on the survey conducted, a lot of reasons for not attending the conferences were mentioned. This was the focus of discussion by the school staff in order to come up for a project that will solve the problem. PROJECT ICS was crafted to ensure that parents are well-informed resulting to an increased parents' attendance in quarterly conferences. Different types of communication were used: one on one, using of cell phone, sending letters with confirmation at least one week before the meeting.

