Pressures inside the Classroom: Factors Causing Stress Among Learners


  • Bremem O. Cotoner


Classroom pressures, stress



The action research is entitled "Pressures inside the Classroom: Factors Causing Stress among Learners" . The objective of this study was to examine students' engagement in stress and to find out factors that cause stress among learners.



To collect the data, researcher used Qualitative Methods Design usually used and how other people express their experiences significant and to understand the factors that cause stress among the learners.



The result showed that students did experience stress. In this study, the researcher found out that most of the students feel stress inside the classroom. This study was conducted because the researcher found out that many students experience stress in their studies that may lead to their habitual absenteeism. The researcher wanted to propose an activity or classroom program to manage their stress and to have CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT on this study.



According to (Wheeler 2007, 2), stress is physics word which refers to the amount of forced used of an object and it relates in real life as to how certain issues that carry force applied to human life. Examples of financial difficulties, health challenge issues, conflicts with f r i e n d s , a l l c a r r y f o r c e o r p r e s s u r e o n the p e r so n s ' b o d y m i n d a n d s p i r i t . Stress is really the effect of disruptive or upsetting situations, which cause in response to adverse external situation. As grade 11 students, they are more influenced of encountering involuntary situations or conflicts causing them to experience feeling like stress, and having fear of what they cannot control. Face academic demands, social involvement, and daily responsibilities in school and at home are the causes that are faced among Grade 11 students. There are more challenges to face and some of those challenges can be about the classroom pressure, teachers, difficulties with our schedule, academic and financial obstacles. At times it seems impossible to find balance between school and friends, family, p a r t t i m e j o b a n d r e l a t i o n s h i p s . The researcher identified on factors causing stress among learners in Grade 11 Rizal. The study is intended to help prevent stress wherein classroom is an important part of learner's experience, and part of the activities in which students are involved. The researcher found out that most of the students are experiencing stress inside the classroom due to some factors like financial problem, gadgets for research, ways of teacher in dealing the needs of students and school works. With classes, exams, jobs and co-curricular activities, students have g r ea te r ch ance of expe rie ncing st ress (Jac obs & Dodd , 2 0 03). Sisk (1977) defined stress as a state of strain, tension or pressure and it is a normal reaction resulting from interaction between the individual and the environment. Strain means to make great demand on something; tension is a mental or emotional strain that makes natural relaxed behavior; and pressure is a po we rful dem and on some body's tim e, a tte ntio n or ene rgy.This action research needs to identify the factors associated with the stress among students , the effects of stress that can be experienced and to recommend suitable and ap prop riate actions th at can be taken the p r oble m .


