A Study of Effective Oral Reading Strategies for Grade Ii Pupils in San Isidro Elementary School


  • Mycel Cabill


assessment of problems, purpose to find a solution, work collaboratively



One of the most important skills that learners can acquire is the ability to read. The ultimate goal of reading is to be able to understand written material, to evaluate it, and to use it for one's need. In this study, we aimed to determine the hindrances that lead to low performance in oral reading of GradeII pupils in San Isidro Elementary School and to determine the strategies that will impose by the teachers in effective oral reading strategies



This study employed the descriptive method of research using a checklist questionnaire as it is fitting to use for studies that necessitate the assessment of problems and the purpose to find a solution. The study used descriptive quantitative research that aims to identify the factors affecting reading skills in English of the respondents. This solution may increase new methods/strategies to enhance the capability of the teachers in handling different reading difficulties.

The validated questionnaire has two parts: the first part deals on the hindrances that lead to low performance in reading and the second part focuses on strategies to be used to remedy the problem. The design of the research followed three phases namely the pre-design stage, the design stage, and the post-design stage. It involves 40 Grade II pupils in San Isidro Elementary School.



This part of the study presents the responses to the research objectives heaved in the research: the data of reading an assessment of Grade II pupils in San Isidro Elementary School. The result implies that the majority of Grade II pupils in San Isidro Elementary School were struggling readers in English. It reveals that teachers have a great role to find a way on how to improve oral reading skills of pupils in English.

The result of the study reveals that reading habit at home is the main factor that affects oral reading skills in English of pupils with an average weighted mean of 3.91 and interpreted as to a very great extent. Indicator 1 which is levels of education of parents ranks 2 with an average weighted mean of 3.88 and with verbal interpretation as to a very great extent. Finally, indicator 2 which is child entry in school rank 6 with an average weighted mean of 3.44 and interpreted to as a great extent.It can be gleaned from the data that the overall result of the study can be generalized as to a very great extent with a weighted mean of 3.69. Teachers need to seek out different strategies used to improve reading of Grade II pupils in San Isidro Elementary School and with this, there are suggested strategies that can be used to improve reading like model fluent reading, do repeated readings in class, promote phrased reading in class, enlist parents to help out, and try a reader's theater in class.



The results demonstrate the need for active participation of teachers and parents. With the factors that affect the child to be a nonreader, teachers and parents should work collaboratively.The results of the study will be a reference for further research about more strategies to improve oral reading skills of pupils.Influencing children to read is not the responsibility of a chosen few.It is the responsibility of every teacher, every administrator, and the community.

