A Qualitative Study of Grade 11 and 12 HUMSS Learners of Integrated School of Lawa on the Effectiveness of Guidance Counseling


  • Aldrin Deticio


guidance, counseling, professional, confidential, reputation



Guidance and counseling at school play major roles in the development of the learners, their adjustment of school programs and rules, and proper channeling of learners' interests and skills leading to their career mastery. Unfortunately, some learners find guidance and counseling obtrusive of their privacy. But whatever impressions learners may have about it, the researcher wanted to know if guidance and counseling were effective in the consideration of its functions at school.



This qualitative study employed a case study approach that was aimed to understand why guidance and counseling was implemented in schools and how effective it was in developing the learners' achievement, helping the learners adjust to the school's learning environment, and in paving the wayof the learners' interests and skills leading to their identification of career choices.



Based on the findings, there was an expectation that guidance and counseling at school will be effective in the implementation of its programs. However, it was found out that ISL was still experiencing disciplinary glitches such as cutting classes, occasional disturbances, cheating, and learners disrespectful to teachers. Furthermore, some learners refuse to seek guidance and counseling because ofthe fear that they will have a bad record and will be branded as problematic. Aside from that, the participants believed that a "teacher-counselor" will not be as effective as a real and professional counselor. They feel terribly shy to share their feelings to a teacher-either a former one or soon-to-be teacher in their grade level, thus, avoiding being involved in any case.



Consequently, there was a need for extreme privacy and a professional counselor. Learners who underwent guidance and counseling and their records should be made confidential so as to avoid being bullied by other students and teachers as well. The Guidance Office should also be open on its programs and functions so as not to have an image and reputation of just a place ofproblems and punishment.

