Cooperative Learning Activities on Theme Writing for Grade 4 Pupils in Mainaga-San Francisco Elementary School


  • Nancy Magboo


cooperative learning, theme writing, cooperative learning strategy



This study aims to stimulate the cooperative learning activities on theme writing for grade 4 pupils in Mainaga-San Francisco Elementary School. Effective teachers are increasingly using a pupil-centered approach. Cooperative learning sparks engagement in classrooms by encouraging interaction among the pupils themselves. The teacher, rather than calling on one student at a time, allows children to discuss class materials with buddies or in groups, thus maximizing the level of participation.



A purposive descriptive research design involving observations and describing the behavior of a subject will be utilized in this research. The result of the study showed that motivated manifestation is visible in uplifting the pupils' self-confidence and performance manifested in the academic enactment of understanding that upholds the enthusiastic ability of learners to incline and adapt themselves into the challenging spectacle of performance.



The result recommend teachers to practice the formal cooperative learning as the most effective. Projects such as presentations or even writing a paper over a week of lectures are best associated with formal cooperative learning. Results showed that the absence of cooperative learning strategies affirms that group effort, brainstorming, or exchange of ideas are lacking. However, there are some difficulties encountered in interacting through group processing that exists.



In my classroom situation wherein grade four (4) learners found difficulty in writing themes, prompted to study the necessity of cooperative learning strategy which would enhance development of their comprehension and ability in theme writing. There are many advantages to cooperative learning over individual learning based on the different dynamics that a cooperative learning group can offer. Cooperative learning has advantages over individual work, including: social interaction, transfer of ideas, and group leadership skills. Using cooperative learning is more advantageous than individual learning, if done correctly.

