Developing Reading Comprehension Skills Through Buddy System Reading Technique of Grade V -Marangal of Dayap Elementary School -Annex


  • Glecy C. Dorado


reading comprehension



In a class of 40 pupils handled by the researcher, she discovered that 31 of them has difficulty in reading comprehension. In an attempt to help them, the researcher told pupils to stay after the class and spend time to practice how to read with the teacher. It was only to find out that it was not helping them because either the pupils were too nervous or too shy to practice and be corrected by the teacher. This triggers the researcherto ask the most able pupil and their class president to monitor the reading comprehension progress of their classmates, ncluding them.



The target respondents to this study are the 31 pupils from Grade V-Marangal School Year 2018-2019. To determine the performance of the pupils in the research, the researcher will be using a Comparative-Evaluation Result to find out if the reading ability and comprehension of the pupils improved after the intervention program. Their comprehension will be tested by giving them simple questions about the story/activity they have read.



The series of reading comprehension results for Grade V -Marangal showed that the Buddy System Reading Technique is effective. Pupils with notable word recognition had significantly improved. The same is true with the Reading Comprehension which was noticed that after 6 weeks of continuous monitoring, the pupils can now fully comprehend with what they have read. From 17.14% increase the mastery level to 80% after 6 weeks. As a whole, the results showed that it helped improve the reading skills of pupils of Grade V -Marangal at Dayap Elementary School -Annex.



The findings of this study suggest that using the potential of outstanding students to assist their teachers in administering special remedial sessions to pupils with special needs is of great help. It was also a very rewarding task as a whole since struggling pupils who had difficulty in understanding content were able to progress remarkably. It is, however, noteworthy that these pupils who showed improvements had very noticeable good attitude when it comes to attending remedial reading classes . Inquiry skills should be developed if we aim to increase the performance of our students.

