Developing Reading Fluency Among Grade Three Pupils


  • Thelma Iglesia


fluency, reinforcement, enrichment



The study aimed to identify the oral reading level of the grade three pupils of Mainaga-San Francisco Elementary School with the end view of developing oral reading scheme that will help develop fluent readers. Specifically, it sought to answer the level of the reading ability, the reading remediation activities utilized by the teacher in addressing the reading difficulties of the pupils and the reading enrichment activities that may be proposed to develop further reading fluency of pupils.



The descriptive method was used to determine reading fluency among the respondents with the end view of developing reading fluency among pupils. The main instrument used to gather the data was the questionnaire given to seventeen (17) Reading teachers in the cited school.



Based on the results, there is a great improvement in the reading ability of non-readers. Results suggest that foremost reading remediation utilized by teachers is close reading, adapting a text, and read aloud. The researcher provided reading enrichment activities in order to help Grade 3 pupils improve reading fluency.



The results recommended that teachers need to prepare enhancement exercises in reading. Pupils may be encouraged through their parents to read materials found in their mini-library during free time, thus enhancing their interest in reading, and functional reading program that provides learning environment and development of skills in reading may be included in the action plan ofteachers to develop the pupils' performance in reading.

