Perceived Contribution of Student-Teacher Relationship in Students' Learning


  • April Ann Rafer


relationship, learning, perceived



One of the goals of Department of Education is to create a child-friendly place for the learners. Therefore, education should entail warm and supportive relationship between teachers and students for continuous attainment of quality education. Thus, this study explored the quality of a student-teacher relationship and how it affects the students' learning.



Qualitative descriptive design using grounded theory approach was utilized in this study. Data was gathered using interview. Interview sessions were transcribed in verbatim to answer the research questions. The transcripts of interview were coded, categorized, and conceptualized to determine the benefits and challenges in developing rapport in the classroom. A total number of 20 participants were used in the study, (15) senior high school students and five (5) senior high school teachers. Coding was done through the help of two SeniorHigh School Teachers as prescribed by inter-coding reliability principle. Simple statistics used such as frequency and percentage put the paper in the boundary of qualitative research.



The study reveals that establishment of rapport in the classroom between teachers and students is beneficial in improving the totality of the students. Good rapport increases motivation, especially in classroom discussions. It also creates a productive and engaging set-up. Confidence, independence, and cooperation are also developed because of the trust given to them especially in trying new things.



The findings presented helpfulness of creating friendly atmosphere among teachers and students. As the results reveal, students who have created positive relationship with their teachers have positive attitude in learning as well. This motivates them to study harder, to be more productive in doing their task, to have greater confidence inside the classroom, and to socialize with one another.

