Students' Achievement, Teachers' Instructional Strategies and Mode of Assessment Within a Competency-Based Curriculum in Mathematics


  • Margarita Delen


instructional strategies, mode of assessment, students' achievement



Mathematics is one of the major subjects included in the curriculum through which the development of the competent citizenry could realize. It requires much attention to improve and upgrade the status of Mathematics particularly in the secondary school. Through observation, the researcher noticed that students foster least skills in mathematics subject.



The researcher used the descriptive method of research with correlation method. In this method, the extent of utilization of each teaching strategy and mode of assessment was identified in relation to students' achievement in the teaching of Mathematics Grade 7 in all public high schools in San Juan District, Division of Batangas Province. The data gathered were the periodic test results and grades in the first grading and second grading periods.



The study revealed that there is no significant relationship established between the students achievement and teaching strategies as revealed by the computed r of which did not surpassed the critical value of .632 at .01 level of significance. Likewise no significant relationship was established between the students' achievement and the teacher's utilization of modes of assessment.



Majority of the Grade 7 students belong to the "Developing stage" according to their level of achievements in Mathematics because they found difficult to cope up with the competencies in the Curriculum Guide in First and Second Quarter. There is no significant relationship between the teachers' use of teaching strategies and utilization of modes of assessment.

