The Effects of Positive Discipline Among Grade 10 Students of Tinurik National High School on Their Classroom and Quarterly Performance


  • Celia Narvacan


discipline, classroom, behavior, performance, self-acceptance, self-control. Self-confidence



Discipline is one of the most effective factors in learning process. In the modern educational plans, the main purpose of discipline is to create the educational environment and opportunities for learning process. Indeed, discipline is an instrument for realizing the high educational goals that leads to the students' growth and progress in every dimension. The positive discipline approach can play a keyrole in creating safer schools, where children's rights and dignity are respected and they are equipped to achieve their full potential. It focuses instead on guiding children's behavior, rather than enforcing good behavior through fear, the educator plays the role of mentor and guide, and the school makes long-term investment in a child" ̃s development.

Discipline is very important in educative process since we cannot have achieved high performance rate of students if they are not well disciplined, therefore it proves that providing positive discipline style in the classroom and schools can help the students to increase their belonging sense and self-acceptance through reinforcing their self-confidence.



The descriptive-survey method was used in this study, and descriptive means that surveys are made in order to discover some effects of applying positive discipline to the Grade-10 students of Tinurik National High School on their classroom behavior and quarterly performance. The researcher use questionnaire, observation and interviews to collect answers regarding to the said study. Forty (40) students and ten (10) faculty members, with a total of fifty (50) respondents were asked to answer the given survey questionnaire through random selection method.



Using positive discipline techniques helps teachers maintain a positive atmosphere and supports an inclusive learning environment. In fact, when addressing specific child, it is important for teachers to work closely with the student to develop a positive discipline plan that works. One of the most critical parts of positive discipline is to help students learn the new behaviors that meet expectations in the classroom, home and elsewhere.



The results establish that through applying positive discipline, students tend to make their selves involved in doing group works which makes their social-interaction skills improved. Furthermore, they become more concern about learning and getting good education which lead them to discover their academic capabilities and having a good academic performance.

