Reading Level of Grade VII Students of Tamban National High School: Basis for a Proposed Reading Support Program


  • Kristina Pearl A. Makalwa


Reading Level as the basis for Reading Support Program; Reading Support Program as Intervention



Reading is a basic skill. It is the primary means for independent learning. Reading is the primary avenue of knowledge. To advance in knowledge, one must learn more and reason more. As one goes up in the ladder of education, he has to learn to read extensively in order to improve his level of achievement. This gives a better chance to one who reads well to succeed in school work, over one who cannot. A student who has developed the basic skills in reading loves to read well. He is independent, well-informed, and eventually become a better citizen. Success in reading is a success in one’s future life.This study aimed to find out the reading level of grade seven students of Tamban National High School enrolled in the school year 2015-2016 the basis for a proposed reading support program



The respondents of the study were the entire population of the grade seven students of Tamban National High School, Tamban, Malungon, Sarangani Province. The researcher used a descriptive survey method to collect data. In this stud, the researcher determined first the reading level of the respondents using the standardized Dolch Reading Passage. Then the result was made the basis for the proposed reading support program.



The study found that the respondents were at Instructional reading level. Hence, an intervention program is needed to help the frustration level readers and non-readers. This program will serve as a guide in the implementation ofthe intervention. The Reading Support Program is not just only reading the letters, words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs or stories, but also to develop proper pronunciation, stress, pace and speed in reading and become a proficient reader. It is a program where anyone can help and support a student on his reading and speaking development. Classmates, teachers, principals, parents and other stakeholders can support the students' progress in reading.



The results manifested the need for the reading support program, specifically to the frustration level readers and non-readers. The support may be in the form of time, in kinds, effort, a reading venue that is conducive to learning and reading materials such as books, audio-visual aids, workbook, etc. Implementation of the intervention program may help eliminate the frustration level readers and non-readers in class.

