Development of Contextualized Instructional Materials among the Elementary Non-Readers of Lutay Integrated


  • Karen Tuanzon


Reading, reading the material, reading program



The Department of Education strongly emphasizes that all Filipino children should be a reader at an early stage of their lives. It was supported by the full implementation of K-12 Basic Education to strengthen the implementation of every child reader. However, despite the support of the government and the effort of teachers to eradicate non-readers, still, the performance of Lutay Integrated School learners is critically low. In this perspective, the researchers are motivated to develop contextualized instructional reading materials among the elementary non-readers of Lutay Integrated School.



This study employed a descriptive research and development method. Primarily, this research dealt with the development ofthe School -Based Guided Reading Program to address the reading problem of the grades three to six pupils of Lutay Integrated School. Th e information was gathered from m the e PHI L I R I p r e -te st res ult. Th e res ult was valid ate d by the class advis e r s the roug h an in te rview. B ef ore the data were collected, the rese a r cher a sked first permission from the e Distr i ct Pri nci pal In -Ch a r g e and Sc hoo l He a d the ro ug h sendi ng of Le tt er of Pe rmissi on to conduct a study



The result shows that out of 1 6 2 pupils f r om grades three t o six who undergo testing in reading, 25 or 15 .43 % were independent level, 5 1 or 3 1.4 8 % were in the instructional level, 49 or 30. 25% were in the f rustration level and 37 or 22 .84 % were iden tified as Non-readers. The stud y implie s the at pupils who ca nnot read are those who belongs to families under economic crisis Based on the study of Dr. Burns (2017), she found out that there is a 32-million-word gap in students who come from homes of pover ty. They simply do not get as much language exposure as peers from homes of higher income levels. Th is affect s deve l opmen t of oral langua ge at ear ly ages, so that b y the tim e these children e n ter our cla ssroo m there is a l read y a sign ifica n t diff eren ce in how th ey ar e a b le t o un der sta n d , re spon d , a nd be read y to learn.



Based o n the resu lts of the e study, the researchers developed contextualized reading materials to monitor and assist the learners to develop their reading abilit ies. A contextualized r eading material was devel oped to help both pupils and teachers achieve the improvement in their reading performance. 

