Improving the HandWriting Skills of Kindergarten Snow White Using Kg Primary Dots Font


  • , Angelica Glenda Magno





In Bagumbayan Elementary School Santa Cruz Laguna, most of the pupils in Kindergartensection Snow White has a handwriting problem. Because handwriting is such a complex skill, there are many children who have difficulty mastering it. This may cause frustration and distress and affect a child's desire to write. It may also cause anxiety for the parents and teachers who watch the child struggle to put his or her ideas on paper. Not all difficulties are the same or caused by the same factors, and an assessment of the problem must take into account the age and experience of the child. The researcher believes that this action research may help pupils to improve handwriting skills as well as pupil's academic achievement.



All 28 kindergarten pupils section snow white were tested, composed of 13 male and 15 female. The learners were asked to practice proper stroke of each letter. Every school day the teacher demonstrated the correct way to write each letter. Using the kg primary dots the learner can easily follow the proper stroke of each letter. They followed the blue to blue lines for capital letters and red to blue lines for small letters. The place where the activity did is also considered, like comfortable sit and a table for elbow rest.



The primary purpose of this study is to improve the handwriting of kindergarten pupils section snow white in Bagumbayan Elementary School. Using the kg primary dots font the handwriting skills of kindergarten snow white improved, through daily practice during school days and also with the help of parents or guardians who support the learners at home. The learners trace their name, letters of the alphabet and number using kg primary dots fonts so it lessens the possibility for the learners to write in reverse. As part of the result of this study I highly recommend to use the kg primary dots font to the young learners like kindergarten for the benefits of both learner and teacher. It is an advantage for the learner for they can easily follow the step by step procedure of proper handwriting stroke of each letter and numbers demonstrated by their teacher.



With the used of kg primary dots font, the learners improved their handwriting and most of them can now write legibly. The invention of this high technology application is really a great help for both learner and teacher. The success of this study is also made possible with the support of their parents.

