Learning Styles of Grade 9: Basis for LESSTRa Implementation


  • Rechel Lapasaran


learning styles



Learning style is the preferential way on which the learner absorbs, process, comprehends and retains information. Every learner has his own style. These differences in learning were attributed to several factors, and these were potential factors that affect the learners' acquisition of knowledge. In a classroom setting, learners depict their learning style depending on the task given by the teacher and on the instruction to every learning experience. This study-Learning Styles of Grade 9 Students: Basis for LESSTRA (Learning Strategies) Implementation served the purpose of giving the students the most appropriate learning strategy that suit their learning styles.



This study employed an action research approach with the most part as quantitative and a part of it as qualitative. It utilized the Grade9 students of Malapatan National High School of whom 60 participants were randomly selected. Using the adapted questionnaire from the SEAMEO Innotech, learners' learning style was determined. The learning style was limited to Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic. The dominant learning style was determined.



Based on the sixty (60) survey questionnaires, the learning style of the majority was Auditory with 21 out of 60 or 35%. Meanwhile, 31.67% or 19 out of 60 do have Visual learning style while only 11.67% or 7 out of 60 is Kinaesthetic. However, it appeared that students have also combined learning styles. There were those who were identified as both Auditory and Kinaesthetic; Visual and Kinaesthetic. The features of learners with Auditory Learning style include building up more comprehensive sentences, being talkative, sensitive to sound and music, memorizing the songs fast and easily, being inclined to learn foreign languages, learning by talking, having difficulty in reading and writing skills, participating in group discussions, using audiotapes for language practices. Whereas, learners who preferred a visual learning style are typically the ones to do really well in the classroom. They are the learners who would pay attention to powerpoint presentations, graphs, charts, handouts, and other visuals. On the other hand, the kinaesthetic learners learn best with active " hands-on" approach. Learners with this learning style have a hard time learning through the traditional lecture; yet are excellent inmotor memory, and are good at sports.



The results had shown that inside the classroom learners were of different learning styles. They also need a variety of strategies to tickle their interest to learn and to sustain their willingness to continue learning. The results of the survey would be very beneficial to the teachers to come up with the most suitable teaching strategies to use in the classroom. It can also be utilized to craft possible programs and activities in school to fully-developed the skills of the learners.

