Nutritional Status as Related to Academic Performance of Grade 1 Pupils in Silangan Elementary School for the School Year 2017-2018


  • , Jonard P Borja


Nutritional Status, Academic Performance



This study entitled "Nutritional Status as Related to Academic Performance of Grade 1 Pupils in Silangan Elementary School for the SY. 2017-2018". Sought to answer the problems: 1.) What is the nutritional status of Grade 1 pupils in Silangan Elementary School; 2.) What is the academic performance of Grade 1 pupils in Silangan Elementary School; 3.) Is there a significance relationship between nutritional status and academic performance of Grade 1 pupils in Silangan Elementary School?



The descriptive analysis method of research was used in this study. The documentary analysis is the main instrument used to gather data; the pupils' final grades inall subjects during the S.Y. 2017-2018 were also used. The mean and Pearson r-formula were used as statistical tool to answer the problem.



The study revealed that most of the pupils had normal nutritional status and there are no pupils with wasted and severely wasted nutritional status. As to performance of Grade 1 pupils during their final grading period, the mean of 79.29 is interpreted as "developing." Developing is in the range of 76-79 of the academic grade of the pupils that are interpreted as they need improvement. The relationship of nutritional status and academic performance of the pupils signifies the computed r-value of 0.22 reveals that nutritional status has no significant relationship on the academic performance of the pupils.



Based on the foregoing findings, the following ideas were given: Most of the pupils' nutritional status is normal and some are overweight and obese. The pupils' academic performance is "developing" . There is no significant relationship between the pupils' nutritional status and academic performance of Grade 1 pupils in Silangan Elementary School, therefore the hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship between pupils' nutritional status and academic performance of Grade 1pupils of Silangan in Elementary School SY 2017-2018. 

