New Breed or Traditional Teachers: Students Preference, Basis for Teachers Development Program


  • Abelie L. Goyha


new breed teachers, traditional teachers, teachers development program



The study was investigated to find out the teachers' prevalent characteristics preferred by the learners. This will provide a clear picture of the significance of upgrading teachers into the 21st-century teaching. It also is shown in this study that the quality learning gained by the pupils depends upon the quality teaching approach conducted by the teachers. To ensure fairness in rating pupils' performance the teacher has to center pupils' learning needs.



The study used qualitative research engaging the use of the interview to find out the teacher preference of the Grade VI -Rizal learners. This design helped us to determine the qualities of a 21st-century teachers. The respondents went through an interviewas an instrument. The questions were guided with: Who is your preferred teacher? New breed or a seasoned teacher? Why? How did the teacher help you? How did the teacher influence you to improve your learning performance?



Based on the answers gathered through an actual interview, there were four (4) themes as seen in Table 1. There are thematic statements that fall on the likes and happiness, love and affection towards the teacher, prize of learning and positive accounts to new breed teachers. Most of the answers from the respondents were heartily expressed with joy and contentment. Gearing up their interest to make their studies essential in the fulfillment of their education. Given the facts presented from the study being conducted, the researchers came out in developing a teachers' development program as a pedagogy in teaching for the 21st century. Based on the answers gathered through an actual interview, there were 20 pupils preferred new breed teacher while there were 4 of them chose a seasoned teacher. Table 2 shows that the teacher preference for Grade Six –Rizal learners was the new breed. The wholesome learning outcome among learners results from the characters of the teacher towards his/her teaching approach. Dominant number of respondents revealed the three significant characters of the new breed of teachers.



From the results of this study, it is therefore concluded that the teacher preference of the Grade Six -Rizal learners was the New Breed teachers. There were32 pupils of the same section answered New Breed and only 3 of them chose the seasoned teacher. These learners gave significant participation in the formation of effective learning. It was then imperative that the prevalent characteristics of the New Breed teacher played a significant role towards a massive teaching and learning interaction across the objectives. These pupils prepared student centered learning approach because to them they can feel their presence more than just an attendance but the targetof teaching goal in the hands of the New Breed. Another effect that appeared sensitive in the life of these 21st century learners was the invention of new teaching styles. Considering that these learners are technology-oriented, they are capable of making learning one page sport. The integration of modern teaching responded to the pupils need in the development of learning. Pupils became active, resisted all throughout and with this they can better understand lesson given in every single day. 

