Natural Ph (Power of Hydrogen) Indicators


  • , Ruth L Felicita


Natural pH Indicator, Banana Bract, Mayana Leaves, Purple Camote Leaves, BMC Mixture



Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study result in science subject showed that the Philippines was always at the bottom five among all participating countries. In connection to this the RA NO. 10533 Enhance Basic Education Act of 2013 (D.O. No. 43 s. 2013) implements Localization and Contextualization in all learning areas, specifically in science teaching. The Department of Education believed that incorporating localization and contextualization would improve teaching instruction, particularly in science. The researcher would localize one of the basic and commonly used resources in the laboratory. This study aimed to compare the level of characteristics of the three known indicators such as Banana bract, Mayana Leaves, and Purple Camote in terms of accuracy of the color change, color stability and level of Flavonoids.



The experimental method of research was applied in the collection of data needed in the study. The data gathered were treated using appropriate statistical tool which includes Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The natural pH indicator is administered in nine different acidic and basic samples and subjected to three (3)per trials. The level of characteristics of the natural pH indicator is measured in terms of Accuracy of color change, color stability and level of presence of flavonoids



Based on the findings obtained in the study, it showed that the banana bract indicator, mayana leaves indicator, purple camote indicator and BMC mixture differ on the level of characteristics in terms of .accuracy of color change, color stability and level of presence of flavonoids. The results showed that the Banana bract was the most stable indicator since it is the last one to expire, the mayana leaves indicator is the most accurate in terms of color change and both mayana leaves indicator and BMC mixture contains a moderate amount of flavonoids.The hypothesis stating that "There is no significant difference in the level of effectiveness in the characteristics of four natural indicators in terms of accuracy of color change and color stability" was rejected.



The findings gathered led to the formulation of the following recommendations: Utilize Natural Indicators in performing classroom activities due to its abundance and availability, Determine the anthocyanin concentration in the banana bract, mayana leaves and purple camote leaves, Determine at which concentration is the banana bract indicator, mayana leaves indicator, purple camote leaves indicator and BMC Mixture indicator is best to be prepared, Further studies can be conducted to further improved the findings.

