Peer -Mediated Tutorial: An Implementing Strategy of Tutorial Reading Intervention Program (TRIP) for Increased Reading, Comprehension and Cooperative Learning


  • Annie Rose Gheorghiu


peer-mediated tutorial; reading comprehension; reading intervention



One of the reading problems identified at Malalag Central Elementary School are the pupils categorized at the frustration level which was revealed using the PhilippineInformal Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI) recently conducted. MCES-SPED Center launched the Tutorial Reading Intervention Program (TRIP) as an initiative to address the needs of the identified frustration reader based on PHIL-IRI pre-test results. One of the salient features TRIP as reading intervention program is the used of Peer-Mediated Tutoring Strategy. In this approach cross age tutoring pupils of different ages takes place with older pupils assuming the role of tutor and younger pupils assuming the roleof tutee.



The randomly selected respondents were made to use the contextualized English reading and comprehension materials called Gearing the Children Program Pacing Learners with Competencies (GCP-PLC) developed by (Langaman and Narvaez, 2013).Peer-mediated tutorial was the s trate gy us ed in th e Tu torial Readin g Inte rvent ion Program (TRIP ). To find out if the peer-mediated tutorial can be utilized as a strategy in developing the cooperative learning, survey questionnaire was designed and used to collect data for tutors and tutees. A four point Likert-type scale was developed by the researcher and validated by the school p r i n c i p a l .



Based on the standard set by PHIL-IRI in terms of word recognition and reading comprehension it was concluded that the reading performance of the identified frustration readers improved. Conclusion was drawn as an evidence seven pupils now categorized as instructional reader, two as independent reader while one at frustration level after the peer-mediated tutorial strategy was used. It was also concluded that peer-mediated tutorial is an effective strategy in increasing reading performance and comprehension level of identified frustration readers under the program implemented with significant correlations of peer-mediated tutorial strategy in enhancing the cooperative learning between the tutor and tutee.



1. The study found out that a synergy between peer-mediated tutorial strategy and GCP-PLC module is of great help in the d e v e l o p m e n t o f r e a d i n g a n d c o m p r e h e n s i o n .

2.The study determined that peer mediated tutorial enhanced learning cooperation by developing positive behavior and values between tutors a n d t u t e e s .

3.Cooperative learning behavior and values of the respondents during the program implementation was largely influenced by positive interdependence and group processing. This is demonstrated by respondents behaviors by wanting their peer to be proud of them on their efforts t o w ar d s t h e i r r e a d i n g p e r f o r m a n c e .

4.Peer mediated tutoring results in learning to read, developing social behavior and discipline and enhancing peer relationships.5.Peer mediated tutoring enhances social and interpersonal skills of both tutor and tutee. 

