Strategic Intervention Materials: A Tool in Enhancing Grade Three Learners in Multiplying 2to 3 Digit Numbers to 2 Digit Numbers with Regrouping


  • Aide G Oracion


Stategic Intervention Materials, Regrouping



There are many factors affect the pupils' academic performance in Mathematics subject. It was observed in Grade III-Waling-Waling, one of the sections in Gatid Elementary School. Only few of the pupils reached the Mastery Level as measured in daily formative, summative and Quarterly Assessment. Pupils' performance in the different assessment shows that Mathematics continues to be the most difficult field of study in basic education. The results are intended to guide the Department of Education in the efforts towards the improvement of the quality of education in public schools and to provide appropriate intervention for the pupils. The researcher in her role as a Mathematics teacher concerned herself on how to help the pupils perform better in the field of Mathematics. This concern made the researcher planned to find possible solutions that could assist the Grade 3 -Waling-Waling pupils of Gatid Elementary School in enhancing their performance in multiplying 2 to 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers with regrouping.



The researcher used Comparative Research Method in this study. This was done by comparing results of the pre-test and post-test using the Traditional Method of Teaching and results of pre-test and post-test using Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM).



The researcher's findings agreed with the findings of Woodward (2002), who found out that intervention materials contributed to better learning of the concepts among pupils. The study came up with the following findings: (1) there was a significant difference on the performance of pupils in Pre-Test and Post-Test. The difference in mean scores of pre-test and post-test of 4.05 was indeed a significant. However, higher mean was observed after the presentation of intervention materials; and (2) The Strategic Intervention Materials were effective in mastering the competency in multiplying 2 to 3 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers based on the mean gain scores in the post-test given to the Grade III -Waling-Waling pupils.



This study was conducted in Gatid Elementary School during the School Year 2018 -2019, using Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) to enhance the performance of Grade III-Waling-Waling pupils in Mathematics particularly in multiplying 2 to 3 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers with regrouping. This study might help the other teachers in Gatid having the same problem in Mathematics. Moreover, the use of Strategic Intervention Materials should not only be used in teaching Mathematics but for other subjects to address the least mastered skills. A similar study may be conducted covering a bigger number of respondents.

