Utilize Peer Competition to Enhanced Basic Multiplication of Grade Two Ipil-Ipil S.Y. 2018-2019


  • Milany Dela Pena





Knowing math facts such as basic multiplication is essential to future success in other areas of mathematics. Students spend too much time and energy focusing on basic skills such as retrieving math facts rather than on other higher order process involved in mathematics. Unfortunately, grade-schoolers developed math skills without concurrent development of automaticity because they lack motivation and they do not haveto memorize basic math facts due to availability of reference sheet like multiplication table. Therefore, this lack of motivation can lead to vulnerability and low self-esteem that can hinder their potential success.



The study used the Descriptive method. A questionnaire was used to measure the basic multiplication knowledge of Grade Two Ipil-Ipil. The researcher observed that there are learners who lack knowledge of basic multiplication.By using peer competition in games, drills and different enhancement activities, the researcher hopes to increase the knowledge of pupils in basic multiplication. The participants for this study are the 32 pupils of Grade Two Ipil-Ipil at Bagumbayan Elementary School.



Peer competition boosts pupils interest in learning basic multiplication. They enjoyed learning math through games and winning prizes when they win. This ignites their competitive instinct, pushing them to eagerly memorize basic multiplication facts and win the competition. Peer competition enhances the basic multiplication of Grade Two Ipil-Ipil in a fun and enjoyable way.



The result of this study will help the teacher to enhance the basic multiplication of their pupils through peer competition. This may give those ideas on how to improve and make modifications in their teaching strategies in enhancing pupils learning.

