From Community to the City: The Lived Experience of the Badjaos in Sittio Callejon, Libjo, Batangas City


  • Jayson Patrick Samonteza


Badjao, Indigenous People, Culture, History



This research study delineates the life of Badjao in terms of language, livelihood, religious belief, cultural practices, education, gender roles and political system, and documented their lived experience in their community in Mindanao and in the city before and after being of part of a new community in Libjo Batangas.



A phenomenological research was chosen to explore the lived experiences of Badjao from their origin in Tawi -Tawi to Batangas City. This paper was made because the researchers believe that there is a need to have more research about the subjective experience of Badjao from their origin place to the city. The study involved 15 Badjaos from Born Again Community, Batangas City, who have experienced living from their dominant geographical location to cities living on their own, and lastly became part of the Badjao community in Batangas. More than this, the respondents were selected according to their sex, in order to address the lived experiences of both sexes. Interview guide questions made by the researchers as the instrument of the study was used. The questionnaire is composed of two parts: Part 1 explores the demographic information of the respondents while Part 2 is consisting of interview guide questions that revealed information about the research topic.



Badjao used to believe in many customary practices due to their animistic religion. Now that they are already Born Again Christian, some of their customary practices are already excluded, some are retained and others are just modified.



Badjaos of Libjo Batangas in their own experiences revealed that as an itinerant people they adapt to other culture, they accept other culture and they reject some of their culture but despite of their experiences they are proud to be called Badjao. Inclusivity is a need in every pages of society. Indigenous people like Badjaos must be empower to achieve progress in their community.

